tv wolf

Allison Lam

I am Ms. Lam, a Fourth Grade teacher at Terra Vista Elementary. I grew up right here in Rancho Cucamonga and I have been a part of the Etiwanda family since 2018. I graduated from Cal Poly Pomona with my Bachelors degree and earned my Teaching Credential & Masters degree at the University of Redlands. In my free time I enjoy camping, hiking with my dog, and going to concerts.

I look forward to being your child's teacher this year!

Get daily updates and announcements or message me through the "Rooms" App on the Etiwanda District App. You may also contact me by email at

Important Info.

Library Day - Every Wednesday Please remind students to bring their library books to school.

Every Monday and Thursday is PE Day -

  • Monday 11:15 AM - 12:05 PM

  • Thursday 8:25 AM - 9:15 AM

Wear appropriate shoes, clothes (this includes hats), sunblock and bring a labeled water bottle.

Every Friday is Spirit Day! Wear your Terra Vista t-shirt or spirit colors, blue and gray.