Etiwanda's LCAP Community Forums will be held on April 4th and 6th. We will offer virtual and in-person community forums. Parents, employees, and members of the community are all welcome, and we'd love to hear from you. You can register by clicking the link below or visiting the district website.
almost 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
AAPEAC Presents: Family Engagement Night Space is limited to 200 participants. Don't delay, register today! Register: Registration closes on April 7, 2023
almost 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
Spring Break has started! Enjoy your time off! School will resume April 3, 2023.
almost 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
Spring Break
Calling all second graders! It is time for the Healthy School Lunch Poster Contest, sponsored by Child Nutrition. Please click the link below for more information. #wellnesswednesday
almost 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
Calling all 2nd Graders
The 15th Battle of the Books was fantastic! Our Etiwanda Library Team, students, families, and all of the volunteers made Saturday's event a huge success. Congratulations to not just the winning teams but to all the students who worked so hard preparing for this event by reading all of the required books.
almost 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
Etiwanda community at the Battle of the Books
Etiwanda community at the Battle of the Books
Etiwanda community at the Battle of the Books
Etiwanda community at the Battle of the Books
Etiwanda community at the Battle of the Books
Etiwanda community at the Battle of the Books
Please join us in wishing good luck to all Etiwanda students competing in this year's Battle of the Books! They have worked so hard leading up to this event, and we are certain they will have a great time competing tomorrow.
almost 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
Battle of the Books
From eating green eggs and ham to dressing up as a favorite literacy character, our Etiwanda students had a great time during their Read Across America activities. At Golden Elementary, we even had community volunteers from the Arrowheart Foundation read to some of our students.
almost 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
Students in Classroom
Students in Classrooms
Students in Classrooms
Happy Read Across America Day! 
almost 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
Read Across America
Today, we're giving a high five to the members of SEAC, a student advisory group. They have met with a district advisor a few times this school year to give feedback on programs at their school sites. Throughout the meetings, they are engaged, kind, and responsible.
almost 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
SEAC High Five
We had a tremendous turnout at last night's district spelling bee. Congratulations to all of our Etiwanda students who participated in this event and will move on to the county level. #EtiwandaExcellence
almost 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
Students on stage at the spelling bee
Students on stage at the spelling bee
Students on stage at the spelling bee
Students on stage at the spelling bee
Samuel Matthew, Abheri Surredi, and Jupharnoor Singh are the top three spellers from last night, with Jupharnoor Singh, an eighth-grader from Heritage Intermediate, taking first place. #EtiwandaExcellence
almost 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
Students on stage at the spelling bee
Interested community members may download the application by visiting the news section of our district website.
almost 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
Board of Trustees Vacancy Announcement
The bubbling over science experiment called "Witches Brew" was a hit with Ms. Gomez's DWL kindergarteners.  #stemintheclassroom
about 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
Stem in the Classroom
Stop by the library during our NEW library hours!
about 2 years ago, Ashley Shepherd
library hours
New intramurals start January 23rd. Fill out and submit your form by December 22nd
about 2 years ago, Ashley Shepherd
Intramural flyer
During the week of November 7–11, 2022, we are celebrating National School Psychology Week to highlight the important work our school psychologists do to help all students thrive.
about 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
School Psychologist Week
Register today for the E3 Fun Run by visiting A t-shirt in your school colors is guaranteed if you register by 10/23/22.
about 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
E3 Foundation Run Walk
Visit our district website to learn more about Etiwanda's Local Control & Accountability Plan.
about 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
LCAP Goal 5
This week, we are honoring our exceptional Etiwanda principals. Join us as we honor Nancy Sherod and Kristina Kvalheim, the principals of DW Long Elementary. We have no doubt that the DWL Rangers appreciate their dedication to their school. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Etiwanda School District
Nancy Sherod Kristina Kvalheim
Have you fed the monster yet?? We are collecting candy for trunk or treat!!! Help PTO out!
over 2 years ago, Nancy Sherod