Every Scrip purchase from a participating retailer results in the school library of your choice receiving 2%-20% of the purchase price (percentage varies according to individual retailer agreement). For example, if you purchase a $100 Stater Bro's card to use for groceries, your school library will receive 5%, or $5 from that purchase. Scrip is “shopping cart fundraising” since it can generate revenue for your school library from your regular household purchases. There’s no additional cost to you and it creates additional revenue for your school library!
Scrip Program

How does Scrip generate revenue for our school libraries?

What is Etiwanda School District's Scrip Program?
Scrip is a term that means “substitute money”. When you purchase scrip, you’re purchasing gift cards that are used just like cash. These cards are available from companies for everyday expenses like food, clothing, fuel, other essentials, dining, entertainment and more! With every scrip purchase you make, our school library earns funds to use to purchase much need materials. Many local, national and internet retailers participate in this program. View full list HERE.
How can I participate in Etiwanda School District's Scrip Program?
Scrip can be purchased in a variety of ways. Orders from members of the school community, as well as their families, friends, and coworkers, are welcome. The various methods you can participate in the program are listed below.
Order online through RaiseRight. For the enrollment code, please contact library@etiwanda.org. You'll need it when you sign up for the first time you place an order online. You can pay online using PrestoPay, credit card, or bring your payment (check or cash) to your school's office along with a copy of your order after you've submitted it. Within 7 days, you will be able to pick up your Scrip (though normally it is within 48 hours). Make checks payable to ESD Library Fund.
You can order scrip by filling out the form found HERE. Then return your completed order form to your school's office, along with your payment (check or cash). Within 7 days, you will be able to pick up your Scrip (though normally it is within 48 hours). Make checks payable to ESD Library Fund.
A growing number of our school offices have scrip on hand for immediate pick-up. Check with your school secretary for availability.