"We are committed to ensuring that every student and parent feels safe and welcome."
Positive Behavior Intervention Supports

PBIS in Etiwanda School District

What is PBIS?
PBIS is the proactive and intentional structuring of learning environments needed for all students to achieve social, emotional, behavioral and academic success. The home and school share the responsibility for developing good citizens. Parents, teachers, and students must work together to maintain safe learning environments.

Know exactly what is expected of them. Recognize they have the responsibility to behave positively. Know the consequences when they choose NOT to meet school-wide expectancies.

PBIS at Home
Ask your child to tell you the three school-wide expectations for behavior.
Ask your child to discuss how they can use these expectations to help them learn and participate.
Discuss ways these expectations can be used at home and in the community.
School-wide Expectations
Be Safe | Be Respectful | Be Responsible |
Keep hands, feet, and objects | Use kind words | Own your actions |
Walk safely and quietly. | Listen politely while others are speaking. | Complete assignments |
Follow adult | Keep school areas neat and clean. | Clean up |
Inform adults of | Respect personal space. | Bring needed |
Tell an adult if | Treat others how you want to be treated. | Actively participate |