Isaiah, from Summit, is being recognized today as a "student that shines." According to his 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Cook, "Isaiah shines brightly! He is constantly offering intelligent answers and volunteers to lead readings or discussions. He is polite and considerate."
School may be out, but High Five Fridays are here all summer long. West Heritage is giving a high five to Ms. Blanchard for inviting 2nd and 3rd grade teachers to her room to watch her teach a math lesson. Her kindness and compassion for her colleagues does not go unnoticed.
What an amazing turnout at the E3 "Driving Fore Excellence" Golf Tournament. The E3 Foundation, golfers, and all of the volunteers made this event such a success.
Art collection created by our amazing students in our ACCESS and STARS programs at Falcon Ridge Elementary.
The Smith family is giving a high five to the staff at Windrows Elementary. With special thanks to the SpEd team for caring for their daughter, Madylen, over the last four years. Madylen delivered treats for her Windrows family as a thank you and goodbye as she transitions to a new site for the upcoming school year.
What a perfect way to end the last week of school with Mrs. Valasek's class performing "I Need a Vacation". The students had a blast singing, dancing, and performing for their families. Great job!
Happy last day of school!
Congratulations to all of our 8th grade students that promoted today!
Here's a few photos of our 8th grade promotion ceremony at Heritage Intermediate. Please send photos of your 8th grade student to, and we will post as many as we can on our social media accounts.
Congratulations to our newly promoted 8th grade Etiwanda students! Please send photos of your 8th grade student to, and we will post as many as we can on our social media accounts.
Congratulations to all of our Etiwanda students!
Field Day at Caryn Elementary!
Let's celebrate our kindergarteners' promotion to first grade! Way to go, Lightfoot Leopards.
Way to go, Grapeland Grizzlies!
Congratulations to our promoted 5th grade students! Here are a few photos, including a couple of flashbacks from when students started out as kindergarten friends to now.
Here are a few of West Heritage's 1st grade students at their patriotic performance. What a fun way to wrap up the school year!
Here are more photos from Grapeland's kindergarten promotion. These smiles say it all! What a great day for these Grapeland Grizzlies.