Etiwanda School District is hiring Child Care Assistants. We have afternoon openings at all of our school sites. To find out more about the position and to apply, go to
The Cuaresma family wants to give a virtual high five to Caryn Elementary' s newly elected PTA officers. They are appreciative of the new programs and activities that are being sponsored by the PTA.
Our first "high five" of the school year goes out to Mrs. Stahl and her kindergarten class at Falcon Ridge Elementary. She is so creative with her lessons. In this photo, they are using their names for a math talk.
High Five Friday is back by popular demand! This week, who do you believe deserves a high five from the Etiwanda community? Please email your submissions to by Friday at 9:00 AM in order to get posted.
This week's spotlight shines on Sara, a Summit Shark. Sara is a hardworking student who is kind to all. She daily carries a smile on her face and is a ray of light in her classroom.
Etiwanda School District will hold a regularly scheduled Board of Trustees Meeting on Thursday, August 25, 2022 at 6:30 pm. Use this link to access the meeting agenda:
Visit our district website to learn more about Etiwanda's Local Control & Accountability Plan.
Etiwanda School District is hiring Child Care Assistants. We have afternoon openings at all of our school sites. To find out more about the position and to apply, go to
We hope your week was as bright as the smiles on these Etiwanda students' faces. #etiwandaexcellence
This week's student spotlight shines on Mikal, a Terra Vista Timberwolf. Mikal shows kindness to his peers every single day.
We hope everyone's first week of school was amazing.
Happy first week!
Happy first week of school!
Happy first week of school!
Happy first week of school!
Happy first week of school!
Happy first week of school!
Happy first week of school!
Happy first week of school!
We love seeing happy Etiwanda students. We hope you all have a great year.